Chaplaincy: Wardie Primary School

Education has been high on the agenda of the Reformation churches from the very beginning. John Knox, who had a leading role in the Scottish Reformation, outlined as early as 1560 a plan for a national education scheme. Ideally every parish should have a school. Education was seen as a means to lift poor children out of poverty by enabling them to acquire basic skills such as reading and writing. Beside the economic benefits of a good education, there is another highly important reason. Made in the image of God, each person should be enabled to grow in knowledge and understanding, to attain their potential and fulfil their calling, to use it in the service of God, in the love of neighbour and self.
Wardie Parish Church has a close connection with Wardie Primary School. Our minister visits the school for assemblies, and its Easter and Christmas services are held at Wardie Parish Church. We are grateful for the support of Wardie Primary School for the retiring collections in aid of our chosen charities.