Virtual Christmas tree festival

On 9th December 2023 we held a Christmas tree festival. The trees are above! Below are some details about the groups and organisations that displayed a tree: top row to bottom row, left to right.
4Men is our informal group for men, meeting every couple of months in the local area for food, coffee, quizzes, and even Q&A sessions with sporting stars and other people of interest. Contact Grant Ballantine on grantb600@gmail.com to be put on our email list.
We hold Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on a Friday evening at Wardie Parish Church. Find out more about the Scouting Association.
Our Gentle Walking Group is an alternative to Wardie Walkers, and suits those who like to get out for gentle exercise, fresh air and friendly company. We meet monthly for a variety of short local walks followed by a sociable cafe stop.
Lomond Park Tennis Club offers tennis courts, coaching and classes in the local area.
We have Rainbows, Brownies and Guides groups at the church. Brownies meet on a Wednesday evening; Rainbows and Guides meet on a Thursday evening.
St Columba’s Hospice is just across the road from Wardie Parish Church and we’re delighted to have a close relationship. Many of our church members have volunteered there over the years, and we’re grateful to the Hospice for providing a meeting space for church events such as our recent elders’ planning conference.
Starbank Park is our nearby community park, with breathtaking views of the Forth. It regularly holds seasonal events and has often welcomed our uniformed organisations for fun gardening sessions.
Wardie Church Youth and Children’s Groups include Saturday Club (10–13 year olds) and Network (S2 and older) that meet twice monthly on a Saturday night, and also Kids at Wardie who meet on Sunday mornings during the morning service. For more information about our groups for children and young people, email Mo at youthwork@wardie.org.uk.
We have two toddler groups at Wardie Parish Church: Tuesday morning Drop-In Toddlers, and Thursday toddlers (currently full) which meets on a Thursday morning.
Wardie Primary School is our catchment primary school and we’re delighted to welcome groups from the school to the church regularly for seasonal services and concerts. Dolly, our minister, visits the school and talks at morning assemblies.
Every Christmas, Wardie Parish Church displays a large tree at the front of the church sanctuary and lights a candle for every passing week of Advent. This year we have also had a ‘light a candle’ tree. Members and visitors are invited to write, on a paper candle, something or someone that is on their heart and then attach their candle to a dedicated tree.
Wardie Guild meets every fortnight on a Wednesday for friendship, support, and plenty of coffee and cake. It has a lively programme of speakers and entertainment. Every year it chooses one or two charities to support, and these are then the focus of its fundraising.
Trinity Bowling Club is the oldest lawn bowling club in Edinburgh, instituted in 1855. It is a very friendly club, welcoming new members and offering excellent clubhouse facilities.
Susan Welsh offers Beginners and Intermediate Pilates classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings at Wardie Church. You can view her class timetable here, and contact her at susan@livethestudio.com.