Activities A–Z
Beavers: Friday, 5.30pm
For those aged 6 to 8. Contact Ann Watson: annjwatson@yahoo.co.uk.
Brownies: Wednesday, 6pm
For girls aged 7 to 10. Contact Alison on brownieswardie125@hotmail.com.
Choir: Sunday, 9.45am
Leads worship. Open to all who enjoy singing. Contact the Church Office, 0131 551 3847.
Cubs: Friday, 6.30pm
For children 8 to 10. Contact Ann Watson: annjwatson@yahoo.co.uk.
Drama Studio: Friday Afternoon
Dance and drama for young people 4 to 14. Contact Louise: thedramastudio@gmail.com.
Gardening Group
Contact Heather McHaffie: heathermchaffie@hotmail.com.
Gentle Walking Group: Monthly
Gentle exercise, fresh air and friendly company. Contact Fiona Campbell: fionacampbell28@gmail.com.
Guides: Thursday, 7.30–9pm
For girls aged 10–14. Contact Amy Beaumont: 125edinburghguides@gmail.com.
4 Men (Men’s Group): Quarterly
Opportunity for men to meet and chat. Contact Grant Ballantine: grantb600@gmail.com.
Kidz@Wardie: Sunday, 10.30am
For children aged 3+ to learn about Jesus and have fun. Contact Mo Brand: 551 3847.
Pilates: Monday and Wednesday mornings
Contact Susan Welsh: susan@livethestudio.com.
Pilates plus Physio: Wednesday, 6.30pm
Contact Kirsty Rennie: kirstyrenniephysio@gmail.com.
Rainbows: Thursday, 5.30pm
For girls aged 4 to 7. Contact 125arainbows@gmail.com.
Scouts: Friday, 7.30pm
For 10–14 year olds. Contact Ann Watson: annjwatson@yahoo.co.uk.
Toddler Group: Thursday, 10am
For children aged 0-3 and their carers. Contact Mo Brand: 551 3847.
Toddler Drop-in Group: Tuesday, 10am
For children aged 0-3 and carers. Contact Mo Brand: 551 3847.
Wardie Guild: Wednesday, 10.30am (Fortnightly)
Varied and interesting programme. Contact Maureen Kelly: maureen@tandemkelly.co.uk.
Wardie Ladies: Quarterly
Meet, talk and enjoy a drink. All ladies welcome!
Wardie Walkers: Wednesday, 10am (Monthly)
Walking group. Bring waterproof clothes, a drink and a snack. Contact Linda and Douglas Coghill: dwcoghill@aol.com.
For more details of these activities and how to get involved, please contact the Church Office, phone 0131 551 3847. Details about some of these activities appear in our weekly newsletter. If you’d like to subscribe, email sessionprojects@wardie.org.uk.