Supporting Your Church

“I am the church, you are church, we are the church together”
When we become members of the Church of Scotland we pledge to give a proportionate amount of our time, talents and money to the church. We do this to serve the Lord and help further the work of Jesus Christ on Earth, globally and locally in Edinburgh and in the parish of Wardie Church.
This means that we, as church members, have a duty to consider:
- how much Time we can give to the work of the church through helping to support its running and activities;
- how we as individuals can use our Talents to support the wide variety of work needed to run the church and the activities in which it is involved; and
- how much Money we can reasonably give to support the running of the church and the many aspects of its work. The Church of Scotland and Wardie Parish Church receive no direct state financial support, and are run from the giving of their members. Where it is appropriate, and people are comfortable to do so, Wardie Parish Church strongly encourages people to give using Gift Aid. Gift Aided giving provides a very important funding source for Wardie Parish Church.
Taken together the giving of time, talents and money to the church is often referred to as Stewardship.
If you would like further information on giving of your time, talents and money please contact Wardie Parish Church’s Stewardship Convenor, Grant Ballantine. Grant can also provide information on how money given to Wardie Parish Church can easily be Gift Aided, which means that HMRC will give funds to the value of 25% of your donation back to Wardie Parish Church.