Who we are
Wardie is the smallest parish in Edinburgh, running from Lower Granton Road in the north to Cargil Terrace in the south, and from just past Russell Place in the east to Granton Road in the west. It includes St Columba’s Hospice and Wardie Primary School. However, we attract and welcome congregation members from well beyond the boundaries of our parish.
We have a healthy spread of ages within the congregation with an active older population as well as many young families. We seek to provide a range of worship and activities to suit different age groups but also to bring us all together.
Our History
Wardie Parish Church was founded and established through the vision and energy of one man, James Fleming, a shepherd’s son from Balerno who had worked hard and prospered in business. He lived in Dalmore Lodge, Trinity Road and had the vision of establishing a United Presbyterian Church in Wardie.
The first services Fleming organised were held in a rented hall in Granton Road. He energetically applied to the Church Synod to build a new church. Between 1880 and 1885 he was continually rebuffed but eventually, possibly on their learning that he would pay for the building, permission was granted.
A Kirk Session was formed and a minister, James Macleod, was ordained and inducted to the charge of Wardie on December 17 1885. Our latest minister, Rev Dolly Purnell, is only the tenth in our long history.